Filmetrics Releases New F10-VC

Filmetrics Releases New F10-VC Spectrometer for Vacuum Coating Applications

ID: 120944
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(blechnews) - San Diego CA, October 2009. Filmetrics has announced the release of its next generation spectrometer, the F10-VC, which measures accurate reflectance and transmittance simultaneously. The F10-VC offers unmatched affordability, speed, and ease of use for your vacuum coating analysis application. With the system’s simple-to-use software, one click of the mouse instantly reports minimum and maximum reflectance and transmittance values in user-configurable wavelength ranges.

The F10-VC’s small footprint means that it can easily be integrated anywhere into your operation. Your F10-VC arrives as a turn-key package, complete with a laptop, preloaded software, and reference and thickness standards. The F10-VC comes standard with Edge-Finding, FWHM analysis routines, color analysis, and Filmetrics proprietary AutoBaseline feature. A simple upgrade module gives the F10-VC increased analytical power, adding thickness and index solving capabilities.

“The introduction of the F10-VC represents a huge step forward in Vacuum Coating characterization. It enables simultaneous reflectance and transmittance, reduces chances for operator error, and increases the number of samples that can be tested in a given amount of time exponentially,” stated Scott Chalmers, Filmetrics Inc President. “By introducing the F10-VC, we have taken another big step in reducing the cost and time to characterize vacuum coatings.”

With years of experience in the thin-film metrology field, Filmetrics provides a simple-to-understand user interface and unparalleled support. Headquartered in San Diego, CA, Filmetrics has a full line of thin-film measurement systems and is continually developing new products and technologies that bring greater efficiency to thin-film metrology. Filmetrics was founded in 1995 and has quickly established itself as an innovator in the thin-film measurement industry. For more information on the F10-VC and other Filmetrics Inc products, visit or call 1-858-573-9300.

Keywords (optional):

schichtdicke, schichtdicken, schichtdickenmessung, schichtstaerke, schichtdicken, messgeraete, schichtdickenmessgeraete, schichtdicken, messgeraete,

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Filmetrics, Inc. was founded in 1995 with the mission of making thin-film measurements simple and affordable. Prior to our arrival, commercial thin-film measurement instruments cost $50,000 or more and required operators to have advanced training. Single measurements took several minutes, even hours.

The Filmetrics approach was to design an affordable purpose-built miniature spectrometer system, whose low cost had just recently been made possible by advances in silicon detector array technology. We combined this with sophisticated software that integrated advanced thin-film expertise into a simple, intuitive Windows interface. The result was the F20, a compact system with astounding speed and accuracy, which line operators could be trained to use in a matter of minutes - all at a mere fraction of the cost of traditional instruments.

Our accomplishments have been widely recognized by the industry press, including recognition as one of the "100 Most Technologically Significant" products of the year and one of the "25 Best New Products" of the year.

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Kontakt / Agentur:

Filmetrics Inc. USA
9335 Chesapeake Dr.
San Diego CA 92123

bereitgestellt von: Matt2
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Datum: 23.09.2009 - 00:55
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 120944
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Firma: Filmetrics Inc. USA
Ansprechpartner: Matt2 Feedback an den Herausgeber senden
Stadt: San Diego
Telefon: 001-858-573-9300


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