TabCheck-system for automatic quality monitoring on RoTab T

In the following you will find our newest user report about the TabCheck-system (see picture) to be used for quality monitoring of tablet production within auto regulation mode. One of our customers, a globally active pharmaceutical group recently bought the presented machine.

ID: 147592
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(blechnews) - Many of our customers are using the RoTab T (see picture) for production simulation and small-scale production. Manual recording of tablet parameter, e.g. by a weighing device, is very extensive, especially in the context of product simulation. To automate the process will offer much profit. Further advantages will arise from batch documentation and automatic weight control, a feature offered by TabCheck.

TabCheck 4 records the following parameters automatically:

- Tablet weight

- Tablet height

- Tablet diameter

- Tablet hardness

Via interface to RoTab T–SW (see picture) the mean value of an adjustable quantity of tablets measured by TabCheck is passed to the RoTab T. The machine compares the measured values with the set value, adjusting accordingly if necessary.

Optional sampling gate takes out tablets to be measured from the duct of accepted tablets. The gate can be activated by time, number of tablets or turret revolution-function.

Advantages of TabCheck:

- Precise simulation of weight control behaviour in production process

- Use of RoTab T in small-scale production

- Automatic documentation of the tablet parameters = saving of time (see picture)

We offer TabCheck (tablet weight recording only) and TabCheck 4 (tablet weight, tablet height, tablet hardness and diameter) both, along with the RoTab T or as retrofit system.

Are you interested in getting more information about quality monitoring with the TabCheck or do you want us to send you a quote?

Do not hesitate to contact us via info(at)

Keywords (optional):

tablet-presses, tabletting-technology, clinical-trials, contract-manufacturing, rotab, small-batch-production, tabletting, tablet-production, pharmaceutical-technology, lab-machines,

Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

With our RoTab-series we set the benchmark in compact R&D tablet presses "made in Germany". Equipped with state-of-the-art measuring and evaluation technology the RoTabs achieve highest performance for your success in tabletting technology, scale-up and small batch production.

Dies ist eine Meldung von


kg-pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Dipl.-Ing. Chem. Ingo Krause

Friedrichstr. 50
D-10117 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0) 30 – 2067 – 9801
Fax: +49 (0) 30 – 2123 – 4257

E-Mail: info(at)

Kontakt / Agentur:

QvorQ GmbH & Co. KG
Am Hohen Weg 10
27313 Dörverden

Tel.: +49 (0) 4234 - 94136
Fax: +49 (0) 4234 - 94137

E-Mail: info(at)

bereitgestellt von: QvorQ
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Datum: 21.12.2009 - 13:43
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 147592
Anzahl Zeichen: 0
Firma: kg-pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Ansprechpartner: Feedback an den Herausgeber senden


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