More Functions for Six-Axis Positioning Systems Hexapods from PI (Physik Instrumente) are indispensable for high-precision positioning in six axes. The parallel-kinematics Hexapods are offered as a system including a powerful digital controller and comprehensive software support. 

Each Hexapod is n ...


New Compact Controller for Hexapods

More Functions for Six-Axis Positioning Systems Hexapods from PI (Physik Instrumente) are indispensable for high-precision positioning in six axes. The parallel-kinematics Hexapods are offered as a system including a powerful digital controller and comprehensive software support.

Each Hexapod is now available in a package with a new compact controller (255 x 226 x 185 mm) that provides the full functionality at a lower system price.

The Hexapod continues to be available with the previous 19-inch rack unit controller, which now offers the control of two further individual servo axes as a standard feature. Additional piezo systems as well as optical or analog inputs can be connected here as an option.

At the same time, the controller firmware has been revised and the trajectory control improved further. As a new feature, a comprehensive data recorder is now available that records operating variables such as motor control, velocity or position in real time. Macros can be stored directly in the controller and thereby support stand-alone operation even without a connected PC.

Commands are transmitted via TCP/IP Ethernet or serially via an RS 232 interface. Well-known and proven features such as the pivot point that can be defined freely in space via software commands and the convenient control in Cartesian coordinates are of course still available.

Firma: Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG

Ansprechpartner: Kathrin Mössinger
Stadt: Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 4846-0

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